Category: Musings

  • AFBO – Anti Fat-Bastard Order

    Sitting on a local train today, I watched as three larger-than-healthy people got on and found seats near me. The gran, mum and son struggled to sit at a table designed for four, while I sat at the table on the other side of the aisle. Gran was the smallest of the three, but had…

  • Run away from Dogma

    Lifehack: 10 MORE ways to create a breakthrough in your life. Run away from any kind of dogma. Dogma is the product of a closed mind. It’s an idea with a threat attached. If you suffer from dogma, get it out of your life. Let it go. Kick it out. Try thinking the opposite. Treat…

  • CCTV – Not Invading Privacy

    Last week saw another wave of ‘public concern’ over the increasing numbers of CCTV cameras. The BBC recently used the topic as one of their ‘Have Your Say‘ debates. The majority of the replies ‘recommended by readers’ were scathing remarks against the “you must have a guilty conscience” “brigade”. Unfortunately for them, many of these…

  • Teaching Britishness

    How about just bringing back some discipline? Isn’t that what schools are actually lacking at the moment? This must be a smoke-screen. And to the Muslims wanting Islamic principles to be taught as well – Muslims account for only 3% of the UK population. How about mentioning all the main (world-wide) faiths and the underlying…

  • Your Right To Die

    Currently in the news is the debate in [tag]UK[/tag] government over a form of legal [tag]suicide[/tag]. Unsurprisingly this is being criticised as a “back door to [tag]euthanasia[/tag]”. My issue however is the argument against being used by various parties. They will start with a well reasoned, well vocalised argument, and then spoil it all by…