Tag: Asides
IE7 Tip – Reload
When IE7 was designed they took the peculiar decision to split the navigation buttons into three places (if you include the home button). If you find yourself up in the top left wanting to reload, just click the drop-down button and select the current page (will be highlighted and have a tick-mark on the left),…
Firefox Tip
I discovered yesterday that [tag]bookmarks[/tag] in [tag]Firefox[/tag] can have no name. Seems pointless? Not if the sites have [tag]favicons[/tag]: Space saving, so you can see more, hence fewer clicks. The above are jazzle.co.uk, The Sketchup Components Collection, bit-tech, ebay, amazon, radiotimes.com and the default icon (for a site with no [tag]favicon[/tag]), but you knew that…
Deviance is both admired and admonished, desired and deplored. While growing up deviance is bad: “don’t break the rules” and good: “don’t succumb to peer-pressure”. During your career deviance is good: “think outside the box” and bad: “you must follow protocol”. So why is the word deviant so often assumed to mean criminal?
BA drops ban on wearing crosses
BA has announced that it has changed its rules regarding [tag]religious[/tag] items its staff can wear. As with many [tag]rules[/tag] and [tag]law[/tag]s, problems only appeared because they were far too specific. English law has the benefit of the word ‘reasonable’, allowing sensible flexible rules. Had their rules simply said “non-uniform [tag]cultural[/tag] and religious [tag]jewellery[/tag] and…
Microsoft could save 45 million tons of CO2 emissions
Microsoft could save 45 million tons of CO2 emissions with a few lines of computer code, need I say more? [tags]MS, Microsoft, CO2, emisssions, kyoto, abatement[/tags]
Daniel Craig, Actor
Apparently, [tag]Daniel Craig[/tag] (now of [tag]James Bond[/tag] Fame of course), was initially reluctant to take the role of [tag]007[/tag]. …he was understandably reluctant to give up a versatile career to camp it up as British super-spy James Bond – a role not typically associated with serious actors. Ha! He was in Tomb Raider for goodness…
IE7’s Zoom Feature
I am of the strong belief that IE7’s Zoom feature is significantly flawed. The problem is explained at boagworld.com. The worst result is the that on many sites it will force a horizontal scroll bar! A well known no-no. The other problem which doesn’t appear to be mentioned there is the fact that background images…
USA Population Hits 300m
Seconds from now, the US population will hit 300,000,000. [The latest (projected) figure is visible at the US Census.] Should they be trying to limit the population? I think perhaps they should, but will they ever? I seriously doubt it. Why should they? Because the planet is now in ‘ecological debt’ – we, as a…
Working Nights
My girlfriend is starting her first week (7 days) of night shifts, and I’m going to try to do the same hours. I work from home, on t’intraweb, so why not? I’m going to see how well it can work, if there’s anything which makes it difficult. (For example, we’ve already been woken up twice…