Tag: Eco

  • Microsoft could save 45 million tons of CO2 emissions

    Microsoft could save 45 million tons of CO2 emissions with a few lines of computer code, need I say more? [tags]MS, Microsoft, CO2, emisssions, kyoto, abatement[/tags]

  • Wasted Energy

    This [tag]short film[/tag], produced for Greenpeace, explains how our power infrastructure in the [tag]UK[/tag] wastes an enormous amount of [tag]energy[/tag]. I’m no eco-nut*, and wouldn’t usually support Greenpeace, but this is a noteworthy issue and ‘[tag]decentralised energy[/tag]‘ does appear to have considerable merit. It is 18 minutes long, but worth watching (or at least listening…

  • Green Packaging

    Sainsbury’s has started using fully compostable packaging for 500 of its products. Sainsbury’s say that this will save 4010 thousand tonnes of [tag]fossil fuel[/tag] each year, with the added benefit of saving 3550 tonnes of plastic, an embarrasing amount of which would have gone to landfill. Friend of the Earth were typically negative, saying (with…

  • Carbon Price Plummets

    The price of Carbon dropped an immense 20% today. Down to €21.50, it’s the lowest since the end of December. See the graph at EEX, the largest EU ETS market. Ref: Carbonara (Carbon360)