Tag: Events
Recursive Moved Itself
The highly observant amongst you may have noticed that I have moved this blog to my personal domain, jezmckean.com. You should have been brought to this domain automatically, and I hope to fix the multitude of links online, but need the automatic move for those I can’t fix. I’ve done this because I’m working to…
Ready for IE7?
The majority of (legit) Windows users may get a shock over the next 24 hours or so as IE7 is rolled out. How soon until users stuck with [tag]IE6[/tag] start to get frustrated with ‘broken’ websites? Will it encourage them to get legit copies of Windows? Of course not, there are too many alternative browsers…
USA Population Hits 300m
Seconds from now, the US population will hit 300,000,000. [The latest (projected) figure is visible at the US Census.] Should they be trying to limit the population? I think perhaps they should, but will they ever? I seriously doubt it. Why should they? Because the planet is now in ‘ecological debt’ – we, as a…
Christmas Is Coming (Apparently)
Well, I’ve received my first [tag]Christmas[/tag] catalogue. I’m unwilling to accept even the arrival of the autumn, let alone winter. (Maybe it’s [tag]global warming[/tag]…) To be fair, the RNLI catalogue wasn’t purely Christmassy, but it does have ‘snowy morning’ 1000-piece puzzles and mulled wine whisk sets. Is it too early to even mention the ‘[tag]holiday…
Congratulations to my brother and his wife! She is 12 weeks pregnant and doing well. (Due date: 23rd February 2007) I’m going to be an uncle, which now I think about it, and as suggested by the gf, makes me feel quite old. I’ll see them both at my sister’s wedding which is in a…
Kenya: Safari: Elephants at Dawn
This is the first in a drip feed of photos from my Kenyan holiday. Elephants at Dawn Hosted on Zooomr
Solar Eclipse
Well, it’s a typical [tag]British[/tag] day – obscuring the [tag]Solar Eclipse[/tag] for the most part. I have caught the occasional glimpse through gaps in the clouds. Those clouds may have in fact allowed me to see the sun using my normal sun glasses (naughty naughty) and still keep my eyesight.