Tag: Rant

  • BT (Bastards Telepunish) Woes

    My ISP, BT, have got my goat again. They’re punishing me by crippling my (already joke-worthy) download speeds, because I used a lot last week. So they’ll probably charge me for that (fair enough, I suppose). I understand that they need to provide a fair service to all their customers, but why does that have…

  • Automatically Added Start Menu / Desktop Icons

    I have just allowed Adobe (Acrobat) Reader to update itself, fair enough, though it is still remarkably slow to load on first use. I keep a clean desktop, with shortcuts only for the things I use on a regular basis (at least daily). I keep my Start Menu under control (am still using XP). I…

  • You get what you pay for…

    PC World, TechGuys (PC Service Call), Parceline – One of them screwed up. The fianceé’s laptop died on a Thursday. It would POST, but it would simply restart itself before Windows started loading. It’s a Vista machine so I tried to use its self-repair options, but to no avail. I took it to work to…

  • BT (‘British’ Tele-extortion) Woes

    BT have me in a head-lock. I get my phone and broadband service from them, and am charged, on average, £30 per month. This is not overly excessive, but I wanted to reduce it somehow, since I’ve been made better offers by Virgin Media. After digging through the website after looking at my online (paperfree)…