Category: Web

  • Going Mac – Part 2

    In a follow up to my previous posts, I’m updating my list of brew installs, and have discovered the bundle subcommand. Here’s my Brewfile:

  • Form Validation Errors – don’t embarrass your users

    Form Validation Errors – don’t embarrass your users

    Does it seem fair to scold the user for the errors they make while filling in a form? Are they even “errors”? The term “Error” and the usual associated red colouring is remarkably negative. Almost like accusing the user of spilling blood by making a typo or misunderstanding a field’s intended purpose. Okay, perhaps that’s…

  • How To Upload Video From Google Photos To YouTube

    Because Google apparently hate their users (including paying customers), it’s no longer possible to upload videos directly from their own service to their own service, but you can share from the app to YouTube. So while it automatically uploads (backs up) to their servers, you will have to endure a slow concurrent upload…

  • Going Mac – Part 1

    Part of documenting my transition to web dev on Mac is to record what needs to be set up  & configured. Should things ever go awry, this post could be a shortcut to getting back to a work-ready state.   Apps etc installed The following needed to be installed manually. Xcode – via AppStore PHPStorm…

  • Going Mac – Part 0

    I’ll soon be starting a new job,  still in web development (as I have been for disturbingly more than a decade), though this time it’ll be in-house and for a huge company. I’ve been persuaded to go over to what I’ve long considered the dark side; Apple. I still don’t believe I’ll ever pay for…

  • WordPress config snippet for dynamic domains

    Quite why this isn’t how WordPress works by default, I’ll probably never know. If anything, this snippet is for my own reference. Prevents redirects on development / staging sites without changing the wp-config.php

  • CSS3: Rounded Table Corners (No images)

    You cannot give a whole table (<table>) rounded corners using CSS, browsers will ignore it, you must round the corners of the cells (<td>) inside. The following uses CSS2 selectors (:first-child etc) and CSS3’s corner-rounding border-radius to selectively round the outer corners of the cells in the corners. This will work for any size table.…

  • PHP Bug: json_encode() misleading warning on object with private properties

    I have found a peculiar issue with PHP’s json_encode() function. If you have an instance object with private properties and use json_encode() it will give you a very misleading warning. class ExampleObject { private $privateProperty; … } $obj = new ExampleObject(); json_encode($obj); results in Warning: json_encode() … recursion detected … There are two workarounds in…

  • Firefox still has memory leak issue?

    I had to kill Firefox earlier today after noticing that it was using around 750MB of memory! It hung when I tried to close it normally, but perhaps I was just impatient. This time I’m going to give it the benefit of doubt and blame some crappy Flash advert or something.

  • BT (Bastards Telepunish) Woes

    My ISP, BT, have got my goat again. They’re punishing me by crippling my (already joke-worthy) download speeds, because I used a lot last week. So they’ll probably charge me for that (fair enough, I suppose). I understand that they need to provide a fair service to all their customers, but why does that have…