Ticketmaster Rip Off!

I just bought tickets for me and the gf to see Jimmy Carr in June.
£18.50 each, seems okay.

Total cost once Ticketmaster have added excessive fees and exorbitant postal charges: £46.75!
That’s an extra 25%. Absurd, but we have no choice.

UPDATE: Jimmy Carr was great! I even got a laugh myself when I called something out. (Audience participation was encouraged btw!)


2 responses to “Ticketmaster Rip Off!”

  1. t.j. avatar

    bought tickets for derren brown bristol for june 17th,tickets bought 7 months ago with money taken immediately.No sign of tickets after many phone calls.They finally admitted last friday june15th that Iwould not get any tickets/????????? what a great fathers day present….

  2. unlucky t.j.! don’t stop complaining till you get something back, a refund at least. you could always report the transaction as fraud…

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