Tag: Musings

  • Christmas Is Coming (Apparently)

    Well, I’ve received my first [tag]Christmas[/tag] catalogue. I’m unwilling to accept even the arrival of the autumn, let alone winter. (Maybe it’s [tag]global warming[/tag]…) To be fair, the RNLI catalogue wasn’t purely Christmassy, but it does have ‘snowy morning’ 1000-piece puzzles and mulled wine whisk sets. Is it too early to even mention the ‘[tag]holiday…

  • Bounce Spam?

    I, like a lot of people, get a lot of [tag]spam[/tag] [tag]email[/tag]s. I get a lot of these via a catch-all, but I’m now turning that off. Should I bounce or just ignore those messages? I’d like to think that the spammers would be put off by emails bounced back to them, but think I…

  • Cars Behaving Badly (Site Proposal)

    I have been bouncing an idea around my head (and off a couple of other people’s) and would like to open it up to your thoughts, reactions and suggestions. Although I drive very little (I work at home), I see a lot of bad driving. A lot of the time it’s simply inconsiderate, sometimes it’s…

  • Net Neutrality Threatened

    Update: As reported by the BBC: “US politicians have rejected attempts to enshrine the principle of net neutrality in legislation.” Google themselves are asking for people to petition against a bill going through US courts: In the next few days, the House of Representatives is going to vote on a bill that would fundamentally alter…

  • Teaching Britishness

    How about just bringing back some discipline? Isn’t that what schools are actually lacking at the moment? This must be a smoke-screen. And to the Muslims wanting Islamic principles to be taught as well – Muslims account for only 3% of the UK population. How about mentioning all the main (world-wide) faiths and the underlying…

  • Your Right To Die

    Currently in the news is the debate in [tag]UK[/tag] government over a form of legal [tag]suicide[/tag]. Unsurprisingly this is being criticised as a “back door to [tag]euthanasia[/tag]”. My issue however is the argument against being used by various parties. They will start with a well reasoned, well vocalised argument, and then spoil it all by…

  • Kids These Days

    I think I must be older than my age. There have been a few incidents recently where [tag]kids[/tag] have showed a remarkable lack of [tag]respect[/tag]. Now I know I haven’t done anything which deserves awe, but I grew up treating all people as neutral until I had a reason otherwise. I was walking with my…