Tag: Reviews

  • 3 / Skype Marketing Technique

    I was recently contacted by Matt of 3mobilebuzz.com and offered the chance to trial a pair of 3 (the network) Skype (the VoIP company) mobile phones (3skypephone.com) for a month. (No obligation to do anything, other than the mention of returning them after a month.) I thought it was an interesting marketing ploy – it…

  • Conning The Conmen

    BBC Three‘s Conning the Conmen was on late on Thursday night, and a pre-watershed version will be shown on Wednesday at 2030. Strengths General Concept – revenge, even if only on a representative of the people we dislike, is bound to appeal to many. Becca – Her first work in front of the camera is…

  • Cars Review

    Cars was a real visual treat. If you can look past the cartoony style of the characters in the film (all vehicles of some kind, even the wildlife) you’ll see that an enormous amount of effort has been put into the look of the film. Genuinely photo-realistic, make that ‘actually-in-front-of-you-realistic’, backdrops and scenery, complemented by…