Conning The Conmen

BBC Three‘s Conning the Conmen was on late on Thursday night, and a pre-watershed version will be shown on Wednesday at 2030.


  • General Concept – revenge, even if only on a representative of the people we dislike, is bound to appeal to many.
  • Becca – Her first work in front of the camera is impressive – real acting talent to stay in character, and a natural presenting style too.


  • The white guy presenter (Dan) simply has an irritating voice, and a strange personality tbh – seemed like he was straining to be more interesting (TeleVisually) than he really is…


  • Restrain the energy a little, make the programme a touch more serious, and I think the show could do well.


  • It can’t be ignored that there are some similar programmes out there. First to mind is Rogue Traders though perhaps they have a more limited ‘victim’ list due to their choice of title.

[tags]BBC, BBC Three, TV, Television, Review, Opinion[/tags]


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