Category: Religion

  • Rename Terrorism

    If only [tag]terrorism[/tag] were renamed to ‘mild trepidation-ism‘ it wouldn’t be so effective. Fortunately, I live in the [tag]UK[/tag], [tag]England[/tag] specifically, where our stiff-upper-lip-ed-ness prevents us from being too affected by [tag]terrorist[/tag] attacks. It’s only when services are damaged that the country is really slowed. Clearly there are some who unfortunately bear the brunt, often…

  • Scientology Is A Cult

    I just wanted to use the word ‘[tag]cult[/tag]’ it since it enrages them so. Religions generally preach peace, forgiveness, etc., yet it appears [tag]Scientology[/tag] is all about brain-washing, coercion, and the elimination of anyone who even considers any contrary beliefs. How anyone can defend such behaviour is beyond me. I am glad to learn that…

  • Run away from Dogma

    Lifehack: 10 MORE ways to create a breakthrough in your life. Run away from any kind of dogma. Dogma is the product of a closed mind. It’s an idea with a threat attached. If you suffer from dogma, get it out of your life. Let it go. Kick it out. Try thinking the opposite. Treat…

  • Teaching Britishness

    How about just bringing back some discipline? Isn’t that what schools are actually lacking at the moment? This must be a smoke-screen. And to the Muslims wanting Islamic principles to be taught as well – Muslims account for only 3% of the UK population. How about mentioning all the main (world-wide) faiths and the underlying…

  • Your Right To Die

    Currently in the news is the debate in [tag]UK[/tag] government over a form of legal [tag]suicide[/tag]. Unsurprisingly this is being criticised as a “back door to [tag]euthanasia[/tag]”. My issue however is the argument against being used by various parties. They will start with a well reasoned, well vocalised argument, and then spoil it all by…