Category: Uncategorised

  • Daniel Craig, Actor

    Apparently, [tag]Daniel Craig[/tag] (now of [tag]James Bond[/tag] Fame of course), was initially reluctant to take the role of [tag]007[/tag]. …he was understandably reluctant to give up a versatile career to camp it up as British super-spy James Bond – a role not typically associated with serious actors. Ha! He was in Tomb Raider for goodness…

  • IE7’s Zoom Feature

    I am of the strong belief that IE7’s Zoom feature is significantly flawed. The problem is explained at The worst result is the that on many sites it will force a horizontal scroll bar! A well known no-no. The other problem which doesn’t appear to be mentioned there is the fact that background images…

  • Ready for IE7?

    The majority of (legit) Windows users may get a shock over the next 24 hours or so as IE7 is rolled out. How soon until users stuck with [tag]IE6[/tag] start to get frustrated with ‘broken’ websites? Will it encourage them to get legit copies of Windows? Of course not, there are too many alternative browsers…

  • β€˜Real’ Beauty

    Dove Campaign For Real Beauty: ‘Evolution’ I don’t think this needs any further comment.

  • USA Population Hits 300m

    Seconds from now, the US population will hit 300,000,000. [The latest (projected) figure is visible at the US Census.] Should they be trying to limit the population? I think perhaps they should, but will they ever? I seriously doubt it. Why should they? Because the planet is now in ‘ecological debt’ – we, as a…

  • bbPress

    bbPress is a fantastic example of how the web should be made. While there are of course a few (minor) issues, bbPress is still a beta / pre-v1 product (0.72 ‘bix’ in fact), and ‘issues’ may actually be simple matters of preference. If I was to set up a forum I’d use bbPress. But what…

  • Blogosphere Could Change

    I genuinely believe that the oddly (and uncatchily) named Real Time Matrix and/or similar services could significantly affect [tag]online[/tag] publishing. While aggregation and [tag]blog-search[/tag] aren’t new, services like this could change the dynamics of the [tag]blogosphere[/tag] – the big guys might find themselves getting less traffic as the smaller sites get more attention, and hopefully…

  • Pink For October

    All this month this blog will be [tag]pink[/tag], in honour of the wearitpink [tag]Breast Cancer[/tag] Awareness campaign and Pink for October in the US. Oh yeah, and I am donating as well. πŸ™‚

  • RSS updates

    It has occured to me that [tag]RSS[/tag] (etc) readers should allow the user to [tag]refresh[/tag] the [tag]post content[/tag]. This would mean that if the post is updated, which many often are, those edits would be visible from within the feed reader. Better: get the reader to check the posts and notify the user if the…