Category: Uncategorised

  • Puros Panas

    Puros Panas by Ram!. Nicely done, and something I’ve been wanting to try myself.

  • Antec Fantastic

    I recently got myself a secondhand Aria SFF case from Antec. Unfortunately I found that the card-reader which is built into the front was missing, and the eject button on the optical drive fascia plate had been broken and was MIA. I contacted Antec to see if it would be possible to get a replacement…

  • Cars Review

    Cars was a real visual treat. If you can look past the cartoony style of the characters in the film (all vehicles of some kind, even the wildlife) you’ll see that an enormous amount of effort has been put into the look of the film. Genuinely photo-realistic, make that ‘actually-in-front-of-you-realistic’, backdrops and scenery, complemented by…

  • Kenya: Safari: Elephants at Dawn

    This is the first in a drip feed of photos from my Kenyan holiday. Elephants at Dawn Hosted on Zooomr

  • SUWiki

    Regulars to the SCC will probably be interested to learn of a new wiki for SketchUp. It already has a fair bit of content, including a little from me, so if you need to know anything about SketchUp have a look at SUWiki.

  • Cars Behaving Badly (Site Proposal)

    I have been bouncing an idea around my head (and off a couple of other people’s) and would like to open it up to your thoughts, reactions and suggestions. Although I drive very little (I work at home), I see a lot of bad driving. A lot of the time it’s simply inconsiderate, sometimes it’s…

  • Paper Cut Pre-launch

    I have pre-launched my first proper theme, Paper Cut. Why ‘pre-launch’? Because it’s not quite finished and I wanted some comments from you all to help improve it. I really would like to hear any thoughts you have, so don’t be shy!

  • Net Neutrality Threatened

    Update: As reported by the BBC: “US politicians have rejected attempts to enshrine the principle of net neutrality in legislation.” Google themselves are asking for people to petition against a bill going through US courts: In the next few days, the House of Representatives is going to vote on a bill that would fundamentally alter…

  • WMD by G-gnome

    The final instalment: WMD Part III by G-gnome at An absolutely stunning bit of modding. G-gnome has outdone himself, and everyone else.

  • Google SketchUp (free)

    Google (who recently bought SketchUp) have split it into two products. There is now the free version ‘Google SketchUp‘, and SketchUp Pro. The more important part of the news release, as far as I’m concerned, is the 3D Warehouse, a user-contributed collection of SU components – essentially a direct competitor to my SketchUp Components Collection.…