Indian Rupee Symbol Competition

Since I don’t live in India, I’m not allowed to enter the competition to design an official symbol for the Indian Rupee announced last month.

I have however come up with a very simple design:Indian Rupee Symbol Design
(horribly created in Paint.NET)

I’m posting this now so I can see how it compares with whatever is chosen when the competition closes at the middle of next month.

This design is easily written by hand, cannot have some mistaken extra meaning when viewed upside-down, and is narrow enough that it could fit in the space for a zero.
It is also obviously inspired by the letter R.

I’d also be happy to hear your opinions, positive or otherwise.
Does it remind you of anything else, does it have meaning in some Arabic script?


15 responses to “Indian Rupee Symbol Competition”

  1. Meren Jamir avatar
    Meren Jamir


    The Design look good but can it done using Computer Keyboard. Cause one of the main conditions is it should be keyboard friendly. Anyhow It looks smart.


    1. Jez avatar

      But if you think about it, then that limits it to only those symbols you can see on your current keyboard.
      There are therefore a very finite set of possibilities and there’s no point having a competition.
      I think that this rule has been mistranslated.

  2. tarun avatar

    nice . in fact very good. but what abt. ‘cultural ethos’ and indian script

    1. Jez avatar

      To me as a European the curved part looks quite Indian.

  3. sanket shah avatar
    sanket shah

    hi it’s a very nice design, from my point of view it’s very simplified and unique. i also confuse about the keyboard Fridley things. it is not possible, one side is Indian ethos and one side is keyboard Fridley things. this design satisfying one things about it is internationally accepted design.

  4. shruti avatar

    i really like it…its simple and stands out!

  5. Mr. R avatar
    Mr. R

    Great effort!!

    but, its visual notion feels very Arabic.
    CHeck this out..₪

    1. Jez avatar

      Interesting, I hadn’t seen that symbol before, thanks.

  6. Soumen Das avatar

    My symbol is in the link below:
    You will find whatever, you suggested as part of it, and many more like Swastika symbol, King’s face used in ancient currencies, Ashok Chakra, Number 0, letters e.g, R,S,P,U,E,I etc. even र or रु, holy signs like sacred kalash and also the sign of stability along with its negotiation with foriegn currencies with the use of horizontal bar having two open arms facing upward & downward to keep up with market fluctuation and finally as a whole visual representation of an emperor with one sword facing upward in right hand to fight enemies and the other one in left hand facing downward to hole peace in his country but yet it is so simple!
    I think it’s not at all complicated as it consists of 1 P, 1 O and 1 horizontal S. It is a three Stroke symbol, whereas $, £ are two stroke symbols and €, ¥ are of three strokes.
    Even, this symbol can be written in a single stroke by starting from the downside of P , followed by the O in anti-clockwise direction and finally the horizontal S. Moreover, the pattern is so unique that ambiguity will never arise with other letters/ currencies/numbers even if written carelessly or in too hurry.

  7. Ravikumar V. avatar

    its really cool man. Thank you for doing to our India 🙂

  8. Ivjyot Oberoi avatar
    Ivjyot Oberoi

    Even i have given my suggestion to the ministry!..!
    Jez ur sign is really good!…, simple but not unique!
    and Soumen it’s a great effort indeed! but u know what?? i feel the sign is really complicated! and while designing the sign we even have to consider the 35% of people who are illiterate!….
    Hey but guys!! can any1 tell me the result??? of this competition??? when’ll it come???

  9. Soumen Das avatar
    Soumen Das

    Hi Ivjyot,

    Thanks for your comments. But if you see the I have described to write it in the link

    Also, there were many complex symbols in ancient India like swastika, kalpurus etc. and also in other cultures and people then was more blunt than today. Also, please remember the first expression of man started with complex signs/ symbols signifying pictures. Therefore, I don’t think it will be a problemm for tghem to deal tthis symbol – For the positive aspects, you can see the symbol is so unique and so compact with all the requisites it should, it becomes a complete one.

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