Going Mac – Part 4

Set up from scratch

It’s silly how many settings aren’t sync’d to one’s Apple account.

MacOS install

TBF, this part would be more difficult to arrange since you’d have to log in.

  • Select Language and Location
  • Select WiFi
  • Enable Location
  • Allow Screen Time
  • Disable Siri
  • Allow FileVault
  • Setup Touch ID (add other index finger later)
  • Skip Apple Pay
  • Light / Dark / Auto mode

MacOS settings

  • Control Centre, Clock Options, Show Seconds
  • Trackpad settings
    • Secondary click
      • Two Fingers
    • Enable Tap to click
    • More Gestures
      • Disable Notification Centre, Mission Control, Launchpad, Show Desktop

  • Empty the Dock
  • Turn on Dock Hiding

  • create ~/code directory

  • Replace Finder Sidebar items with folders in iCloud
  • Finder Settings
    • Advanced
      • Show all filename extensions
      • Keep folders on top
  • Cmd+Shift+. to show hidden files



  • Run JetBrains Toolbox, login, install
    • Open JB product
      • Do not import settings
      • Disable AI Assistant
      • Settings Sync
        • Fetch settings, restart
      • GitHub CoPilot
        • Sign in


  • Sign in with email


  • Change Wallpaper


  • Disable Spotlight shortcut
    • System Settings, Keyboard, Shortcuts, Spotlight
  • Set Alfred shortcut
  • Import Alfred Prefs
    • and workflows
    • and snippets (e.g. emoji)
  • Enable clipboard history
    • and Advanced, Diacritic and …