Tag: Blogosphere

  • 3 / Skype Marketing Technique

    I was recently contacted by Matt of 3mobilebuzz.com and offered the chance to trial a pair of 3 (the network) Skype (the VoIP company) mobile phones (3skypephone.com) for a month. (No obligation to do anything, other than the mention of returning them after a month.) I thought it was an interesting marketing ploy – it…

  • Recursive Moved Itself

    The highly observant amongst you may have noticed that I have moved this blog to my personal domain, jezmckean.com. You should have been brought to this domain automatically, and I hope to fix the multitude of links online, but need the automatic move for those I can’t fix. I’ve done this because I’m working to…

  • Blogosphere Could Change

    I genuinely believe that the oddly (and uncatchily) named Real Time Matrix and/or similar services could significantly affect [tag]online[/tag] publishing. While aggregation and [tag]blog-search[/tag] aren’t new, services like this could change the dynamics of the [tag]blogosphere[/tag] – the big guys might find themselves getting less traffic as the smaller sites get more attention, and hopefully…