Tag: Web

  • Net Neutrality Threatened

    Update: As reported by the BBC: “US politicians have rejected attempts to enshrine the principle of net neutrality in legislation.” Google themselves are asking for people to petition against a bill going through US courts: In the next few days, the House of Representatives is going to vote on a bill that would fundamentally alter…

  • JS: Clear Default Value onFocus

    Simply add the following to the the onFocus attribute of any HTML form input tag. if (this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ”; this.defaultValue is automatically given the value in the HTML.

  • Append to Body onLoad

    I looked for a long time how I could add JavaScript functions to an HTML document’s onLoad attribute. Eventually I found this, something so obvious that I had considered trying it but foolishly didn’t try.

  • jsReq

    I wanted to tell the user that they need JavaScript, but obviously only if they don’t already have it enabled.The following is a very crude script which uses the very fact that JS is available to hide the requirement notice… HTML: JS:

  • Standards RIP

    This certainly isn’t the first place I’ve seen this view expressed, but it certainly has the best reasoning. The following is just an excerpt. HTML is for documents (pages) not for applications. We are all building applications. Users don”t care about validation. Validation is a tool not a goal. The top priority is making features…