Tag: Web

  • Browser Wars (not much fighting)

    Having created the new Saints site, I have access to the visitor [tag]statistics[/tag]. I was surprised to see that over the first 9 days (27,682 visits, 10.6GB) 92.2% were using [tag]Internet Explorer[/tag], and I was more surprised to see that ~57% of those were still using IE6. So more than half of all visitors are…

  • IE7’s Zoom Feature

    I am of the strong belief that IE7’s Zoom feature is significantly flawed. The problem is explained at boagworld.com. The worst result is the that on many sites it will force a horizontal scroll bar! A well known no-no. The other problem which doesn’t appear to be mentioned there is the fact that background images…

  • Ready for IE7?

    The majority of (legit) Windows users may get a shock over the next 24 hours or so as IE7 is rolled out. How soon until users stuck with [tag]IE6[/tag] start to get frustrated with ‘broken’ websites? Will it encourage them to get legit copies of Windows? Of course not, there are too many alternative browsers…

  • bbPress

    bbPress is a fantastic example of how the web should be made. While there are of course a few (minor) issues, bbPress is still a beta / pre-v1 product (0.72 ‘bix’ in fact), and ‘issues’ may actually be simple matters of preference. If I was to set up a forum I’d use bbPress. But what…

  • Blogosphere Could Change

    I genuinely believe that the oddly (and uncatchily) named Real Time Matrix and/or similar services could significantly affect [tag]online[/tag] publishing. While aggregation and [tag]blog-search[/tag] aren’t new, services like this could change the dynamics of the [tag]blogosphere[/tag] – the big guys might find themselves getting less traffic as the smaller sites get more attention, and hopefully…

  • RSS updates

    It has occured to me that [tag]RSS[/tag] (etc) readers should allow the user to [tag]refresh[/tag] the [tag]post content[/tag]. This would mean that if the post is updated, which many often are, those edits would be visible from within the feed reader. Better: get the reader to check the posts and notify the user if the…

  • Bounce Spam?

    I, like a lot of people, get a lot of [tag]spam[/tag] [tag]email[/tag]s. I get a lot of these via a catch-all, but I’m now turning that off. Should I bounce or just ignore those messages? I’d like to think that the spammers would be put off by emails bounced back to them, but think I…

  • SUWiki

    Regulars to the SCC will probably be interested to learn of a new wiki for SketchUp. It already has a fair bit of content, including a little from me, so if you need to know anything about SketchUp have a look at SUWiki.

  • Cars Behaving Badly (Site Proposal)

    I have been bouncing an idea around my head (and off a couple of other people’s) and would like to open it up to your thoughts, reactions and suggestions. Although I drive very little (I work at home), I see a lot of bad driving. A lot of the time it’s simply inconsiderate, sometimes it’s…

  • Paper Cut Pre-launch

    I have pre-launched my first proper theme, Paper Cut. Why ‘pre-launch’? Because it’s not quite finished and I wanted some comments from you all to help improve it. I really would like to hear any thoughts you have, so don’t be shy!