Green Packaging

Sainsbury’s has started using fully compostable packaging for 500 of its products.

Sainsbury’s say that this will save 4010 thousand tonnes of [tag]fossil fuel[/tag] each year, with the added benefit of saving 3550 tonnes of plastic, an embarrasing amount of which would have gone to landfill.

Friend of the Earth were typically negative, saying (with an awful pun)

“Today’s announcement is a step in the right direction, but it has a long way to go before it can be viewed as a [tag]green[/tag] grocer.”

They’re right that there is more to be done, but people, and businesses, thrive on compliments not “it’s not good enough”s.


One response to “Green Packaging”

  1. Wayne Smallman avatar

    I’ve talked up this topic before on my own ‘blog.

    This is the top subject right now. Anything that combines technology with consumer issues and society is what intrigues me.

    Put simply: the weight of responsibility is on businesses and the consumer to a lesser extent…

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