Going Mac – Part 2

In a follow up to my previous posts, I’m updating my list of brew installs, and have discovered the bundle subcommand.

Here’s my Brewfile:

tap "homebrew/bundle"
tap "homebrew/cask"
tap "homebrew/cask-fonts"
tap "homebrew/cask-versions"
tap "homebrew/core"
tap "homebrew/services"
brew "btop"
brew "freetype"
brew "figlet"
brew "httpie"
brew "ncdu"
brew "the_silver_searcher"
brew "tldr"
brew "unar"
cask "alfred"
cask "amazon-music"
cask "firefox"
cask "font-fira-code-nerd-font"
cask "fontgoggles"
cask "gitkraken"
cask "http-toolkit"
cask "hyper"
cask "jetbrains-toolbox"
cask "notunes"
cask "postman"
cask "proxyman"
cask "rectangle"
cask "rocket"
cask "slack"
cask "the-unarchiver"
cask "whatsapp"


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