Tag: Opinion

  • Recommended: iammoving.com

    iammoving.com was recommended to me by the estate agent who advertised the house we’re moving to in August. After registering, for free (though I would pay for the service), you select the organisations you need to notify from a large, categorised list, and provide your account number (or whatever detail is appropriate). You can then…

  • RAC

    The RAC have impressed me. Whilst driving to my fiancĂ©e’s parents’ at the end of last week, the car conked out (while on the M6 Toll). Fortunately, the power simply seemed to dissipate rather than instantly disappear, so I was easily able to slow to stop by an SOS box. I have a mobile phone…

  • BBC Homepage Beta Using jQuery

    The BBC Beta Homepage is using jQuery, but unfortunately it’s ugly. I should qualify that – I think it’s a good move to make the homepage more personalisable, but does it have to look so Web2.0? Big text was a fad a year ago, but it’s too informal for an internationally recognised and respected news…

  • Rename Terrorism

    If only [tag]terrorism[/tag] were renamed to ‘mild trepidation-ism‘ it wouldn’t be so effective. Fortunately, I live in the [tag]UK[/tag], [tag]England[/tag] specifically, where our stiff-upper-lip-ed-ness prevents us from being too affected by [tag]terrorist[/tag] attacks. It’s only when services are damaged that the country is really slowed. Clearly there are some who unfortunately bear the brunt, often…

  • Why I might leave my bank: The NatWest Card Reader

    Update, over 10 years later… I didn’t switch. I have received in the post a Card Reader from NatWest. They have designed this device to beef up the security around the (excellent btw) online banking. The flaw? The fact that we will eventually have to take the damn thing everywhere you go. And the card…

  • Scientology Is A Cult

    I just wanted to use the word ‘[tag]cult[/tag]’ it since it enrages them so. Religions generally preach peace, forgiveness, etc., yet it appears [tag]Scientology[/tag] is all about brain-washing, coercion, and the elimination of anyone who even considers any contrary beliefs. How anyone can defend such behaviour is beyond me. I am glad to learn that…

  • AFBO – Anti Fat-Bastard Order

    Sitting on a local train today, I watched as three larger-than-healthy people got on and found seats near me. The gran, mum and son struggled to sit at a table designed for four, while I sat at the table on the other side of the aisle. Gran was the smallest of the three, but had…

  • Run away from Dogma

    Lifehack: 10 MORE ways to create a breakthrough in your life. Run away from any kind of dogma. Dogma is the product of a closed mind. It’s an idea with a threat attached. If you suffer from dogma, get it out of your life. Let it go. Kick it out. Try thinking the opposite. Treat…

  • Christmas Is Coming (Apparently)

    Well, I’ve received my first [tag]Christmas[/tag] catalogue. I’m unwilling to accept even the arrival of the autumn, let alone winter. (Maybe it’s [tag]global warming[/tag]…) To be fair, the RNLI catalogue wasn’t purely Christmassy, but it does have ‘snowy morning’ 1000-piece puzzles and mulled wine whisk sets. Is it too early to even mention the ‘[tag]holiday…

  • Cars Review

    Cars was a real visual treat. If you can look past the cartoony style of the characters in the film (all vehicles of some kind, even the wildlife) you’ll see that an enormous amount of effort has been put into the look of the film. Genuinely photo-realistic, make that ‘actually-in-front-of-you-realistic’, backdrops and scenery, complemented by…